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(904) 808-2888

AC System Upgrades

A1A Heat and Air provides HVAC upgrades designed to make your home more comfortable and save you money.

Smart and Programmable Thermostats

Smart and programmable thermostats help reduce electricity bills while helping you stay more comfortable. A1A Heat and Air can help install and configure the right system for you.

UV Lights for Air Conditioner

Air conditioner UV light systems give off a high intensity UV light to kill germs before they go through your ducts. A1A Heat and Air can install UV lights into your existing system or as part of a new system.

5″ Air Filter Upgrades

A 5″ filter upgrade provides better efficiency and captures more contaminants than a normal 1″ filters. We can help you install one into your existing system or as part of a new one.

A1A Heat and Air professionals are always ready to help. Just call us at (904) 808-2888 or visit our profiles on Thumbtack or HomeAdvisor today.